Experience the Magic of VKH Porchfest: A Celebration of Music, Community, and Summer Vibes on Saturday, July 13


Come enjoy the enchantment of live music in a unique setting at Vankleek Hill Porchfest. This annual festival promises a day filled with captivating melodies, talented musicians, and a welcoming ambiance that celebrates the spirit of music.

Immersing yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of a music festival is an experience like no other. The sights and sounds of talented musicians performing live create an electrifying energy that can uplift your spirits and leave you with lasting memories. And when that festival takes place in Vankleek Hill, surrounded by picturesque porches and a close-knit community, the experience becomes even more magical.


Vankleek Hill Porchfest, scheduled for Saturday, July 13, offers a special opportunity to enjoy live music in a relaxed setting. The event, organized by the Vankleek Hill Live Music Co-Op, showcases local talent while providing a platform for artists to share their music with a supportive audience. By attending Porchfest, you not only get to discover new musicians and genres, but you also play a part in supporting the thriving music scene in Vankleek Hill.


Supporting local musicians has numerous perks:

  1. It helps nurture and grow your local music scene, creating a vibrant and diverse cultural environment.
  2. Supporting local musicians often means creating a more personal and memorable connection with the artists. It also provides financial support directly to the artists, allowing them to continue pursuing their passion and creating more music for everyone to enjoy.
  3. Supporting local musicians can help build a sense of partnership and pride in your local music scene, fostering a supportive network for emerging artists.

One of the bands that will be performing is The Vankleek Hill Fiddlers. The group, formed by a passionate collective of amateur musicians and skilled professionals, has captivated audiences for over 45 years. Their fiddler music carries an enchanting quality that will transport you to a different time and place. As you make your way to the Creating Centre during Porch Fest, be prepared to dance to their captivating tunes.

Another thing to mention is that spending time outdoors at Porchfest is the chance to bask in the warm summer weather while enjoying fantastic music. The open-air setting creates a laid-back atmosphere, perfect for kicking back and soaking in the sounds that fill the air. Whether you’re a fan of singer-songwriters, Celtic tunes, folk melodies, rock anthems, or country ballads, there’s something for everyone at Porchfest.



This event allows neighbours to unite, enjoy music, and honour the talent of performing musicians by walking from one porch to another, listening to various bands, and engaging with fellow music lovers.

So, if you’re looking for a memorable and enriching experience that combines great music and the beauty of the outdoors, mark your calendar for Vankleek Hill Porchfest. Join in the festivities, discover new bands, and participate in something truly special.



Check out the lineup:


12:00 PM: 50 Proof (Arbor Gallery Stage)

12:15 PM: Marie-Eve Vezina (50 Derby Street Stage)

12:30 PM: Ken Duff (29 Hamil Street Stage)

12:45 PM: Brain Dead Geniuses (31 Derby Street)

1:00 PM: Thomas Dion (80 Main St Stage)

1:15 PM: Knocking Sparks (95 Higginson Street Stage)

1:30 PM: VKH Fiddlers (Vankleek Hill Creating Centre – TBC)

1:45 PM: Rhett James (Windsor Tavern Stage)

2:00 PM: A Boy Named Stew (48 Wall Street Stage)

2:15 PM: Jeff Holtby (102 Higginson Street Stage)

2:30 PM: Mike Simpkin (43 Derby Street Stage)

2:45 PM: Marven James (27 High St Stage)

3:00 PM: Libby and Cal (54 Main Street – TBC)

3:15 PM: Jema Jane (22 Stanley – TBC)

3:30 PM: Celtic Flare (95 Higginson Street Stage)

3:45 PM: Balance (Windsor Tavern Stage)

4:00 PM: JR and the Gator (27 High St Stage)

4:15 PM: Norm Campeau (31 Derby Street Stage)

4:30 PM: The Acoustic Collective (Main Stage)

5:00 PM: Peter Scott & Natasha Caron (29 Hamil Street Stage)

5:15 PM: Catherine Larocque (115 High St Stage)

5:30 PM: Victor Courte (95 Higginson Street Stage)

5:45 PM: Jam Night (Windsor Tavern Stage)

Follow the Facebook page for more info:


Gratitude for Earth Parade, May show and Tree Giveaway Event in VKH

Four years ago, young Charlie won a climate change contest in Vankleek Hill with a simple yet impactful proposal: plant ten trees. Today, at the age of 10, Charlie, with the help of his family, has turned this small initiative into a significant project. What started as ten trees has now grown to 120, and on May 19th, they will be giving away these trees at the Gratitude for Earth parade in Vankleek Hill.

The event will kick off at 10:30 a.m. at the Creating Centre. The corner will be adorned with stunning paper-mache puppets that will march along Main Street in Vankleek Hill. During the event, Charlie will have his own booth offering lemonade, and attendees can visit him and his friends to adopt a tree to take home. 


I had the pleasure of speaking with Susie Fairbrother, Charlie’s grandmother, who shared the inspiration behind this initiative. The project aims to encourage tree planting, combat deforestation, and fight climate change. Among the varieties available for adoption are silver maple, red spruce, red pine, and white pine.

During our conversation, I asked Susie what individuals can do to combat climate change starting at home. She provided some practical suggestions, including planting trees to keep the air clean, participating in community gardens, being mindful of composting and recycling, and opting for second-hand clothes to reduce waste and emissions.

What do we know about deforestation? 


Deforestation is the clearing, destruction, or removal of forests or trees from an area, typically to convert the land for agricultural or commercial use. It can have significant negative impacts on the environment, biodiversity, and climate.






Here are some key points about deforestation:

1. Environmental Impact: Deforestation can lead to loss of habitat for wildlife, disruption of ecosystems, and soil erosion. It can also contribute to climate change by releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.


2. Biodiversity Loss: Forests are home to a wide variety of plant and animal species. When forests are cleared, many species lose their habitat and can become endangered or extinct.


3. Climate Change: Trees absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, helping to mitigate climate change. When trees are cut down or burned, this stored carbon is released back into the atmosphere, contributing to the greenhouse effect.


4. Water Cycle Disruption: Trees play a crucial role in regulating the water cycle by absorbing and releasing water through transpiration. Deforestation can disrupt this cycle, leading to changes in local weather patterns and potentially causing droughts or floods.


5. Indigenous Communities: Deforestation can also negatively impact indigenous communities who rely on forests for their livelihoods and cultural practices. Their land rights and way of life can be threatened by deforestation.


Efforts to combat deforestation include conservation initiatives, sustainable forestry practices, reforestation projects, and policies to protect forests and promote sustainable land use. It is important for individuals, governments, and businesses to work together to address the root causes of deforestation and protect our planet’s forests for future generations.

The Gratitude for Earth parade in Vankleek Hill will form part of the May show (10 am to 4 pm, Main Street VKH, Sunday, May 19th). Everyone is invited to dress up in fun nature-themed costumes, so join us for a fun family day with music, dance, delicious food, and arts and crafts from local artists. 






Support Susie, Charlie, and Mother Earth by taking a tree home and positively impacting our environment. Let’s come together to protect and preserve our planet for a greener and healthier future!


Follow Charlie and his environmental project here: 
