Experience the Magic of VKH Porchfest: A Celebration of Music, Community, and Summer Vibes on Saturday, July 13


Come enjoy the enchantment of live music in a unique setting at Vankleek Hill Porchfest. This annual festival promises a day filled with captivating melodies, talented musicians, and a welcoming ambiance that celebrates the spirit of music.

Immersing yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of a music festival is an experience like no other. The sights and sounds of talented musicians performing live create an electrifying energy that can uplift your spirits and leave you with lasting memories. And when that festival takes place in Vankleek Hill, surrounded by picturesque porches and a close-knit community, the experience becomes even more magical.


Vankleek Hill Porchfest, scheduled for Saturday, July 13, offers a special opportunity to enjoy live music in a relaxed setting. The event, organized by the Vankleek Hill Live Music Co-Op, showcases local talent while providing a platform for artists to share their music with a supportive audience. By attending Porchfest, you not only get to discover new musicians and genres, but you also play a part in supporting the thriving music scene in Vankleek Hill.


Supporting local musicians has numerous perks:

  1. It helps nurture and grow your local music scene, creating a vibrant and diverse cultural environment.
  2. Supporting local musicians often means creating a more personal and memorable connection with the artists. It also provides financial support directly to the artists, allowing them to continue pursuing their passion and creating more music for everyone to enjoy.
  3. Supporting local musicians can help build a sense of partnership and pride in your local music scene, fostering a supportive network for emerging artists.

One of the bands that will be performing is The Vankleek Hill Fiddlers. The group, formed by a passionate collective of amateur musicians and skilled professionals, has captivated audiences for over 45 years. Their fiddler music carries an enchanting quality that will transport you to a different time and place. As you make your way to the Creating Centre during Porch Fest, be prepared to dance to their captivating tunes.

Another thing to mention is that spending time outdoors at Porchfest is the chance to bask in the warm summer weather while enjoying fantastic music. The open-air setting creates a laid-back atmosphere, perfect for kicking back and soaking in the sounds that fill the air. Whether you’re a fan of singer-songwriters, Celtic tunes, folk melodies, rock anthems, or country ballads, there’s something for everyone at Porchfest.



This event allows neighbours to unite, enjoy music, and honour the talent of performing musicians by walking from one porch to another, listening to various bands, and engaging with fellow music lovers.

So, if you’re looking for a memorable and enriching experience that combines great music and the beauty of the outdoors, mark your calendar for Vankleek Hill Porchfest. Join in the festivities, discover new bands, and participate in something truly special.



Check out the lineup:


12:00 PM: 50 Proof (Arbor Gallery Stage)

12:15 PM: Marie-Eve Vezina (50 Derby Street Stage)

12:30 PM: Ken Duff (29 Hamil Street Stage)

12:45 PM: Brain Dead Geniuses (31 Derby Street)

1:00 PM: Thomas Dion (80 Main St Stage)

1:15 PM: Knocking Sparks (95 Higginson Street Stage)

1:30 PM: VKH Fiddlers (Vankleek Hill Creating Centre – TBC)

1:45 PM: Rhett James (Windsor Tavern Stage)

2:00 PM: A Boy Named Stew (48 Wall Street Stage)

2:15 PM: Jeff Holtby (102 Higginson Street Stage)

2:30 PM: Mike Simpkin (43 Derby Street Stage)

2:45 PM: Marven James (27 High St Stage)

3:00 PM: Libby and Cal (54 Main Street – TBC)

3:15 PM: Jema Jane (22 Stanley – TBC)

3:30 PM: Celtic Flare (95 Higginson Street Stage)

3:45 PM: Balance (Windsor Tavern Stage)

4:00 PM: JR and the Gator (27 High St Stage)

4:15 PM: Norm Campeau (31 Derby Street Stage)

4:30 PM: The Acoustic Collective (Main Stage)

5:00 PM: Peter Scott & Natasha Caron (29 Hamil Street Stage)

5:15 PM: Catherine Larocque (115 High St Stage)

5:30 PM: Victor Courte (95 Higginson Street Stage)

5:45 PM: Jam Night (Windsor Tavern Stage)

Follow the Facebook page for more info:


Creative Sparks: An art show by the students of Art and Dream Studio

The American painter Georgia O’Keefe once beautifully expressed the power of art, stating, “I found I could say things with colour and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way since I have no words for.”

Art, with its vibrant tints and detailed forms, holds a profound significance in our lives. As winter’s icy grip begins to loosen and we eagerly anticipate the arrival of spring, the art school, Art and Dream Studio, located in Vankleek Hill, invites you to immerse yourself in a world of creativity and inspiration.

Stephanie Pete is a dedicated artist and valued community member. She balances her roles as a teacher at the art school and her work at The creating center, along with other commitments. Stephanie organizes an engaging exhibition that highlights the skills of her students of varying ages. Titled “Creative Sparks,” this exhibition exemplifies the transformative influence of art and serves as proof of the transformative power of art. But what exactly does art spark in us? What light does art bring to society? The act of creation serves as a switch that illuminates our spirits and sheds light on the world around us.

Each painting displayed at the show is a symbolic flame, radiating warmth and brilliance. Through collaborative efforts and shared passion, the students at the art school come together to build a collective beacon of creativity. The studio offers a diverse range of classes for both adults and children, including painting, drawing, and immersive camp days for young artists.

In each class, participants are guided to explore new techniques and mediums, fostering a nurturing environment for self-discovery and artistic growth. The art school’s exhibition at the Arbor Gallery invites you to witness the magic of art firsthand. Embrace the beauty of art, let it torch your imagination, and discover the endless possibilities it holds for your spirit and society as a whole.

The showcase will be open to the public from February 29th to March 31 at the Arbor Gallery:

36 Home Ave, Vankleek Hill

Art and Dream studio, address and contact:

27 High St, Vankleek Hill, ON K0B 1R0

+1 (613) 854-5226

[email protected]

The Growth of Parachute Farm: Embracing Organic Farming and Community connections


Welcome to the world of Parachute Farm, where the seeds of a sustainable dream are nurtured with passion and dedication. In the landscapes of Vankleek Hill, Maggie Winchester and her husband, Mattson Griffiths, have embarked on a journey of growth and transformation, embracing the world of organic farming and the vibrant community spirit that defines their mission.

Armed with a background in Environmental Studies, a deep-rooted passion for farming, and more than fifteen years of experience in agriculture, Maggie, along with her partner Mattson (who has a degree in Farm management and technology), established Parachute Farm with a vision to cultivate the land ethically and produce high-quality vegetables. The couple shares fifteen years of experience, which helped them prepare to strat their own operation.


Organic farming is more than a method of cultivation; it is a philosophy that honours nature’s delicate balance. Organic growers like Maggie and Mattson at Parachute Farm nurture the land, protect the environment, and provide consumers with wholesome, nutrient-rich produce by prioritizing soil health, biodiversity, and sustainability.

The benefits of organic farming extend far beyond the dinner table. By supporting organic agriculture, consumers contribute to cleaner air, water, and soil by reducing their exposure to harmful toxins and promoting animal welfare. Organic farming also plays a crucial role in combating climate change by sequestering carbon in the soil and promoting agroecological practices.

In addition to the environmental benefits, buying local produce from farms like Parachute Farm has numerous advantages for consumers and communities. Locally sourced food is fresher, tastier, and more nutritious, as it is harvested at peak ripeness and travels shorter distances to reach your plate. 

Individuals invest in the local economy by supporting local farmers, creating jobs, preserving agricultural heritage, and building stronger connections.

Parachute Farm is a non-certified organic farm, but its commitment to organic principles and local sourcing is imprinted in every operation. From cultivating a diverse array of vegetables using sustainable practices to forging partnerships with neighbouring businesses and farmers, Maggie and Mattson are dedicated to providing their customers with an enriching farm-to-table experience.


If you’re enthusiastic about experiencing the delights of Parachute Farm’s offerings, you can find Maggie, Mattson, and their collection of products at the Vankleek Hill farmers market in June. Soon, you will also be able to find them at The Marsh’s flea market in Saint Eugene (biweekly, starting in June).

For those who prefer the comfort of online communication, reaching out to them via email is a simple way to stay updated on their latest offerings.

Contact Information and interesting websites:

Email: Parachute Farm: [email protected]



Instagram: @parachute_farm


Marsh’s Flea Market (1081 Labrosse Street – Saint Eugene, starting 25th May)

Vankleek Hill Farmers Market:
